Thursday, October 07, 2010

So Let it be Written, So Let it be Done.

Along with the much anticipated viewing of The Wizard of Oz around Halloween every year, and Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer at Christmas, a highlight of my formative years was watching The Ten Commandments annually at Easter. (We were nothing if not predictible.) My sister and I would gather together with Roger, the boy next door, for a viewing party. I secretly admired John Derek's bare chest, in whatever way an 11 or 12-year-old girl can, and we all memorized THE most important line in the entire film, spoken by Yul Brenner as Rameses: "So let it be written; so let it be done."

I write that to explain my bio-blurb over there to the right, which says I am a "screenwriter, photographer, artist and washed-up mechanical bull rider." These are the labels I've given myself, though the world may not agree. While it's true I've totally given up riding mechanical bulls, I was never as good at it as one might think. And it may be true that I take photographs, but I don't do much with them, and I certainly don't make any money at it. I've dabbled in oil paints, almost completed a very large self-portrait, and finished a few small oil and watercolor paintings, yet few people have ever seen them. And - in my head, at least, if not on paper - I'm writing the screenplay that will make me famous. Or at least able to quit my day job.

So call me a liar if you wish, but I cling to these labels as things which at least partially define me, and I've written them for anyone to see, so that they will be done.


Fijufic said...

These are all true. Some things more personal than others...

Lisa said...

I believe you have written a screen play..or at least co-wrote "Voyage to the Unknown".

MauritaMason said...

OH MY GOSH! You're right, Lisa. How could I have forgotten something so important? I really AM already a screenwriter.

Anonymous said...

Labels, you can choose to cling to or not.But a mechanical bull? I'd be clinging like my life depended on it.Glad you've decided to rest the vertebrae and instead concentrate on the creative side - I am sure you are all those things and more.

Anonymous said...

I remember when watching The Ten Commandments or The Wizard of Oz. But then, we only had three or four channels at the time. And no VCRs. Wow...

Anyway, keep hoping and doing. You seem to have enough spirit to accomplish what you want.

MauritaMason said...

Pam, belated thanks.

Oddness, thank you for the encouragement. It's funny...even with only 3 or 4 channels, there was so much more on TV back then.

Anonymous said...

It looks like part of my comment got eaten.

Shoulda read: "I remember when watching The Ten Commandments or The Wizard of Oz was a huuuge deal."

Or something like that.

But yeah, I don't remember ever thinking "there's nothing on", until we had dozens of channels to flip through.