Saturday, January 10, 2009

Everyone's a Comedian

I don't mind telling you that an abscessed tooth makes for a crappy week.

On Thursday and Friday, I went to work with a swollen cheek. The first thing I said to my co-worker, Russ, when I arrived at work on Thursday was "I brought extra acorns for lunch if you want any," then pointed at my cheek.

My friend John said it looked like something alien was growing on the side of my face. "It's a fetus," I replied. Then on Friday, he said it seemed to be growing legs. "But not fast enough," I said. He suggested I sprinkle fertilizer on it.

I kept asking my co-workers if they had an ice skate I could use to extract my own tooth. Would you believe no one at FedEx has one?

And finally, Russ is one of the kindest and most gentle men I've ever known, which made the following comments even funnier to me. He suggested that I go home and ask my husband to punch the other side of my face to even things out. He said (in an aside to someone else), "They're just like a bad screen door. You have to slam 'em a few times to straighten 'em out."

I laughed, of course. Then hurt even more.


Benita said...

I haven't had a toothache in years, but I know the pain is something I can't endure for very long! Hope you get relief soon!!

MauritaMason said...

Benita, thank you. Tuesday. I'm counting the hours.

Marchelle said...

Ice skate..hahahaa... hope you're feeling better soon!!

Oh, and I picked you up a little somethin' today! I'd call it an early birthday gift, but since we both know how unlikely it is that I'll see you BEFORE your birthday, it will probably be a late birthday gift. Either way, it's not much, but I think you'll like it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments on my blog; I hate most celebrities so could go on for years! I've noticed that most people who read & comment on my blog are American so news from Blighty might be interesting as I read, fascinated about life over the pond. You all seem much more connected over there - more of a 'family' community; it's nice. It's great for me to have this insight into the daily lives of people I've never met, but feel like I'm beginning to know. And your photographs are lovely. x

Linda said...

ouch! I've had an abscessed tooth and it was the worst pain. Hope you get some relief soon.

MauritaMason said...

Marchelle, can't wait! Maybe I can make a trip up to Courthouse Grounds for lunch one day to see you. I miss that place.

Miss M, thanks for the lovely comment. Do you mean that we as Americans seem connected? Or we as American bloggers seem connected? Either way, you should have seen us back in November. It was ugly. Luckily, all evidence of our dissention was destroyed in the 2008 Journalspace Crash.

Linda, thanks. I am feeling a bit better.

Simon Butler said...

Ugliness? Dissention? I can’t imagine what you’re referring to. Journalspace was a happy, peaceful place; we all loved one another deeply and were in perfect harmony, especially where politics were concerned.

MauritaMason said...

Oh? Yes...yes, you must be right, Simon. Is it time for my medication already? But you just gave it to me an hour.....