Monday, January 26, 2009

On My Toes

I just hopped over to etsy to see what people are selling these days, and one of the featured items comes from genepierson's shop.

I've always had a secret thing for ballet dancers, probably since the time I was five years old and tried to discover a way to dance on my toes.

Anyway, there's something I love about this photo, and the others that can be found at the link above.


Linda said...

I've never been to that site but I hear some cool things about it. Very nice photo.

Marchelle said...

Somewhere in a box in a closet at my mom & dad's are my old point shoes. I could dance (though not well AT ALL) on them, but I never had the gorgeous curved legs like she has!

Anonymous said...

Love the photo. I teach ballet to the young gymnasts ... it's an essential foundation for any acrobatics.


I've always had a thing for dancers too!

Dickingtonbar II said...

i wanted to be a ballet dancer when i was little my my old man wouldn't let me

MauritaMason said...

Linda, I'm amazed at the variety of things there.

Marchelle, I remember your ballerina days! You should do a post about it.

TP, lucky you! That sounds like fun.

Lerm, I wouldn't expect any less of you.

DB, it's never too late, you know. I'm sure we'd all like to see you in tights...

Anonymous said...

That looks like a "through the viewfinder" type of photo.

Dickingtonbar II said...

corn syrup thing