Monday, January 12, 2009

Today on the JS Homepage

Recent Comments
(because I couldn't accept not having them anymore.)

You know how I know you're gay?
You dress your kids in matching jackets.
That's punishable by swirlies and wedgies here in the US, you know.
- TOBP-Steve in dickbar's journal

I can only imagine when you say WORK you are messing around. Well maybe you are "messing around" but that kind of messing around is actually hard work in my mind. HAve fun!!! Love, Bobby
- Fijufic in dirtyshadeofgray's journal

Dinner, drinks, and bed - no fair that a 5-year-old gets that and I don't.
- SamanthaBaker in StupidWorkGirl's journal

And I was wrong, you're not Lermontov....he would've met up with the guy, nailed him in the alley, and then went out drinking with friends.
- TOBP-Steve in Lizardo's journal

Yep – the Welshman was the right advice to give. If you want her to be sexually dissatisfied and to turn to you for solace that is. You have sheep in Australia I believe? That’s all that’s necessary.
- Simon in lermontov-lives's journal


becomingkate said...

*sigh* I miss the homepage more every day.

Great idea!

Before 10 said...

Now blogger feels like home - thanks for the "recent comments"

MauritaMason said...

kate, Forest - that was my favorite feature on the homepage. And if you'll notice, I included TOBP-Steve twice - because that's how I remember it. :)

Simon Butler said...

Aw. You included me! But Steve is the master of the comment – and of hitting the home page.

*weeps* I mean what was the home page.

Anonymous said...

hey you


KingOfPain said...

This brought back memories... will it ever be the same again?

Labetine said...

Awww, memories....:(

Anonymous said...

I've finally worked out what JS is by looking at other people who ready your blog blogs!

Selfishly, I'm very glad that they closed it down because you all came here & now I can get a voyeuristic peek into all your lives - I sometimes find myself thinking about your posts & the people / places you talk about as I'm leading my opposite lifestyle here in Blighty.

Thank you for the comments you leave on my blogs; it's nice to know they're getting looked at! x