Miss M, haha, I'm collecting coins in the bottom of my handbag for extra oomph.
Pastor Larry, we had a bit of an argument last night about what it means to be a writer - and he doesn't consider what I do on this blog to be "writing." To be fair, he made that comment after reading some of my entries, so he may have a point!
But if this blog isn't considered writing, what's the big deal if one is being written about in it? AHAaaaa! My logic astounds even me. I am perpetually astounded...
Since when does a husband's opinion matter on what we women choose to do as past time? lol It appears to me that you are writing in this blog....I couldn't read it if you didn't "write" it! I enjoy your writings Ms. Maurita. Meemaw
oooh get him - handbags!
Well I can understand your passion and his reluctance.
Miss M, haha, I'm collecting coins in the bottom of my handbag for extra oomph.
Pastor Larry, we had a bit of an argument last night about what it means to be a writer - and he doesn't consider what I do on this blog to be "writing." To be fair, he made that comment after reading some of my entries, so he may have a point!
But if this blog isn't considered writing, what's the big deal if one is being written about in it?
My logic astounds even me. I am perpetually astounded...
Since when does a husband's opinion matter on what we women choose to do as past time? lol It appears to me that you are writing in this blog....I couldn't read it if you didn't "write" it! I enjoy your writings Ms. Maurita.
KoP, thank you, as always, for your brilliant perspective!
Meemaw, thanks. And you're right (of course) about the opinions of men.
I can't disagree with a man on this one - forget that you ever learnt to read or write.
Lerm, har har HAR! Actually, I am forgetting. It's called "aging."
Ahhh you can write about him.. Makes for great reading.
You are a good writer and are usually very entertaining.
I'd be in real trouble if Bill said that!
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