Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dire Prediction #1,684

By the year 2023, McDonald's Corporation will have single-handedly exhausted the world's supply of salt.


Marchelle said...

You read it here first, folks.

yackydoodle said...

I don't know if it's actually possible but the point is well made.

Simon Butler said...

I have to admit to never having been to a MacDonald’s, but I think I can understand the sentiment you are expressing. Use of liberal amounts of salt allows meat and fish to be preserved for very long periods before eating – right?

becomingkate said...

I believe it!
On the subject of salt, I'm happy to see some other companies cut the sidium level from their soup.

becomingkate said...

Ooops. Sodium.

Marty said...

"Salt?" Yes. "... do you want fries with that?"

Fijufic said...

Oh I'm sure we will be able to dig up some salt from somewhere...Now I'm hungry for one of those salty burgers....

Linda said...

and grease!


I'll be long gone - so good luck to them!

Anonymous said...

No kidding!!

Michael barnes said...

so the prefix A meaning without its a case of asalt?

Steve said...

Kate's Canadian, shouldn't it have been sooooodium?

LeftCoastLobstah said...

Yeah but they use the sodium type salt. The rest of us will be smart, hiding in our bunkers and using sea salt.